What is Elsa Thankful for this Thanksgiving? Duh!! Actor: Anthony Andrews.

Sir Percy GIF

I’m sure you were expecting a long dribbly post about me being thankful for my good health and my doting boyfriend and such but since I’m not particularily healthy right now and I’m super single that will have to wait for another Thanksgiving.

So I’m sure you’re all like WHO is Anthony Andrews?  Well both me and meine Mutti are having a super talent crush/Netflix love affair with his 1980s self.  And when I love my actors I love them.  hard.  My fandom is utterly devoted and complete.  I have to say while I do appreciate the forever fertile loins of Jeremy Irons, I think Mr. Andrews is way better.  I have yet to see a role where he phones it in, unlike Jeremy in the Borges. And because I’m all about making sure actors get their due credit I will now highlight your Netflix Anthony Andrews Thanksgiving marathon.

1.  Brideshead Revisited: I’m talking about the 1980s epic 13 hour production based on Evelyn Waugh’s British novel.  It’s very British, which means people are keeping calm, drowning their feelings, and feeling forlorn over not being old enough to have fought in The Great War.  Warning!  There is a pansy ass 2 hour ordeal that came out a few years ago.  Avoid that.

2.  The Scarlet Pimpernel: A delightful romp.  What Andrews does with his eyeglass piece is amazing!  He’s foppish and fabulous, also co-starring a lovely Jane Seymour and Ian McKellan who is actually believably “horny.”  This was clearly made before LOTR.

3.  Danger UXB: a 13 episode miniseries that JoJo and I are working through.  Andrews is so handsome!  This series is set in WWII London with a military unit trying to defuse German bombs.  Based on the miniseries I think I have about the same training as the beginners did who first started defusing bombs.  Highly explosive!

4.  And for dessert, Ivanhoe: This has Olivia Hussey in the role as the Jewess and Mr. Andrews hair as seen below is so nice and fluffy.  Besides he’s a knight who just came back from the crusades.



2 thoughts on “What is Elsa Thankful for this Thanksgiving? Duh!! Actor: Anthony Andrews.

  1. One drawback in the Scarlett Pimpernel. is how skinny Andrews is. You’d think those big coats would add some heft, but they don’t. Maybe it is the high waisted pants with long stockings.

  2. Mr Andrews is very attractive indeed! I’ve followed his work since Brideshead Revisited. The 67 year old actor ages with grace.
    Check out the film, The Adolecents a film which he co stars with Koo Stark.

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