Another year older… What have I learned?

I had my birthday.  It was very uneventful thanks to my chronic neck pain.  But as I’m another year older, I’m thinking, how much wiser am I?  I have gone being “Abroad” to “a Broad” so let’s see…

1.  For extra added security in the Czech Republic keep the key in the door lock.  The locks are set up in such a way that if the key is in the lock, someone who wants to get in and open the door can’t turn the doorknob.  When your land lady’s ex-boyfriend lets himself into your flat unnanounced at 10:30pm at night this is a handy thing to know.

2.  Ich kann mehr deutsch als im letzten Jahr sprechen, aber ich brauche noch mein Deutsche-Englische Wörterbuch.

3.  Little kids are the best.  Preferably under the age of 7.

4.  German men dress impecably.  Czech men do not.

5.  Despite the bad that occured during my Czech Republic stay, anyone who talks uninformed smack about them will quickly hear something from me.

6.  There are things that I do actually identify with as being an American and I feel proud of.  Namely, peanut butter, North Dakota, 1970s rock, Hall & Oates (Even though Daryl is pursuing his own solo TV egotist projects currently), proper use of the words “hood” and “trunk” when referring to a car, and Coca Cola.

7.  Okay Cupid = Okay Stupid.  Never again.

8.  A passport from the EU is equivalent to a golden ticket.  Getting one as an American is dang near impossible as I already knew, but after this past year I am back to marrying someone who can get me that magical passport.

9.  There is a whole world of disco music that I have yet to be fully exposed to: German Disco.  It plays on the radio during Karneval.

10.  I’m getting suckered into the thought of teaching in Russia, which is a very bad idea right now.   But these post Soviet-era music videos are wooing me. 

11.  BBC America is not full of the Anglo wonderfulness that I fantasized about, too many episodes of Top Gear.  What about Cranford or reruns of East Enders?

12. [EDIT]  Apparently I can’t type.  About to attempt some grammar revisions.

One thought on “Another year older… What have I learned?

  1. That is very interesting about the locks – I usually leave the key in at home so I can keep the door locked, but it’s easy to open if there’s an emergency. Now I want to find these kinds of lock systems!

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