I’m 365 Days For Life.

Source: Lutherans For Life | From Shock Waves to Ripples – Planned Parenthood

In honour of the yearly 40 Days for Life I’m posting an excerpt from an article written on the LFL website a mere week after the Center for Medical Progress videos came out.  Unsurprisingly it rippled in the major media outlets only a week after but there is a wapping 10 videos for your grissly viewing pleasure available.  As you can tell I’m solidly for life in every beautiful stage of development.  I’m even for the life of those who would like to snuff it out as difficult as that is.

My blog’s main intent is not to be political, a soap box 24/7, or a means to proselytize my faith, but in light of the recent news about Planned Parenthood I felt I needed to post something more definite.  But please do still call him “Emmett”

[Note: I bolded the part that stood out to me the most in the excerpt below.]

I count myself among those who need an occasional shock to help me rethink and regroup. But what I have learned over the years is that being shocked and reacting to shocking revelations is not enough. Being anti-abortion or anti-Planned Parenthood is not enough. We need to be For Life! But more, we need to be For Life because God is! Even more, we need to be For Life because God is as an ongoing part of what we do as God’s people gathered by His Spirit in local congregations.

Think about it. We have some shocking news. “God became a speck, an embryo in a fallopian tube!” “God was born!” “God lived as a friend of sinners.” “God embraced dirty, smelly sinners!” “God suffered for unlovable and unloving sinners!” “God died!” “God rose again!” “God wins!” “Sin, death, Satan defeated!” “God reigns over all!” [Me] I would like to add to that in regards to the refugee crisis: God was homeless! God was a refugee!  So brazen was our Savior.  Brazen against the norms of what a King should be.

That’s the most positive and powerful shocking For Life news I can think of. As I love to say, it is tailor made for these issues of life and death, pain and suffering, grief and regret. Have you been shocked by the Planned Parenthood news and the ongoing tragedy of abortion? If so, good for you! Have you been shocked by the Good News of God’s great love For Life? If so, even better for you! Is affirming life part of the ongoing ministry of your congregation? If not, maybe now is the time to make that happen. We at LFL are ready to help and equip you to do so. Give us a call. We do not want the shock wave of the Gospel of Life to ever become a ripple.